Kimchi's point of view

Saturday night life


Hahaha OMG yesterday was such a crazy night. I don't even know how it got that way as we were going to have a chill night out. Well I guess crazy girls cant have that....Anyways me, Bongie and Julienne went to the bar Nivå, our favorite bar. The ppl that works there are the best ever and they always look out for us. Like  yestarday we got the best table and they helped us get Julienne into the bar faster :P...Well att nivå we had our nice pre-party, met a lot of funny ppl and had a blast. So later we went to the club Ego, but the funniest thing happend. We just had been there for like 20 min, got some drinks for a nice guy and all. And my crazy blondie bongie suddenly got totally wasted and puked on me AGAIN!!...hahaha funny girl but anyway we took care of her and we had to go the whole way to MÄRSTA with her as she was fucked. But we had a blast on the way home, and me and Julienne though that she was kind of sober and all when we got home. But gosh we were today we got calls from friend worried about what happend to her yday. And we didnt understand until we saw that she ahd written a post on her blog superduper angry but the funny thing is that she was happy yday. So we dont know what happend and she has no memory of the night haha :P....The great thing of haning out with Bongie is that I'll get the best abs ever as I always laugh so much that I cry with her :P....anyways gotta go and help the girls now. We are having a dinner with the guys Yummie...

Me and a hilarious guy

Think it's here it starts going down..

Ma and cutie

J loving it hahaha


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