Second round of Halloween
Category: Seoul 2010

Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Yesterday we were at the Halloween Party in Gangnam, talk about A LOT of people there. It was a fun night even though the problems with waiting to get in in the beginning. Was fun to see so many people dressing up and having crazy costumes!.. My costume for that night was a crazy cute doll, haha scarred some people with my suddenly light skinned face but heard that I was adorable :D.. what do you think?
Kimchi the doll with its friend vs The pirate Inga
The pirate wanted to kill poor Kimchi =(
Talk about a lot of people..
The joker & Madonna
Madonna & the mouse
Madonna, The mouse & Kimchi the doll
Category: Seoul 2010
Yees, school is done for this week and now it's time for a lot of Halloween celebrations. The first Halloween party is tonight by IFCC at Club Mass, Im really looking forward to it now that I've got my costume. Had a hard time figuring out what I was going to be as I've already been everything from a pirate, African voodoo woman, zombie, fluffy bunny to gladiator. So tonight Im going to be something super duper cute, not going to tell you what until you see pictures from tonight!. But can give you one clue, It looks like I've gone back in time....
Category: Seoul 2010
Yees, school is done for this week and now it's time for a lot of Halloween celebrations. The first Halloween party is tonight by IFCC at Club Mass, Im really looking forward to it now that I've got my costume. Had a hard time figuring out what I was going to be as I've already been everything from a pirate, African voodoo woman, zombie, fluffy bunny to gladiator. So tonight Im going to be something super duper cute, not going to tell you what until you see pictures from tonight!. But can give you one clue, It looks like I've gone back in time....
Category: Musik
Category: Seoul 2010
The dinner with the girls was great, I loved the food and the restaurant was really nice. You could pick whatever you liked from the moving band with small dishes. Was really cool and comfy, so me, Katta and Jennifer together ate 31 dishes and the other girls around the same. Haha 2 thumbs up for Sushi!!
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Hope you'll get a better morning !
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Musik
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
OMG I'm so tired of studying for midterms, my brain can't get more information in. It just says ERROR !
Yeah, I really don't have any motivation or energy to study for the midterm exams that I have tomorrow. But I guess I just have to get myself through it...:(
Oh well, the event management exam went really good, better than expected. The Organizational Management exam was difficult but think I passed it and the essay for Cultivating Leadership was okey. So just 2 more exams for this week yeaah :P...
Category: Seoul 2010
Have now studied a lot for Event & Organization Management Midterms that are tomorrow.
I really hope I remember everything so that I can pass the exams. So wish me luck.
Category: Seoul 2010
Another great song from the group SHINee called Hello.
A really cute and catchy song, that's got stuck in my head.
Category: Seoul 2010
We actually found out that you can have a lot of fun with them. At Gorilla Bar there was some guys that were sleeping, so me and 2 of my girls wanted to check it out. And this was allowed by the guard that was standing there, so we didn’t abuse them, just tried to wake them up and talk to them haha :P..
Category: Seoul 2010
As you already know, my life = a lot of study, and therefore I haven’t had time to blog. But this weekend I needed some small breaks from all the study so I went for Korean BBQ dinners with friends and on Saturday, I was at the Absolute Vodka Party in Hongdae. We were a fun mix of people that had a great night with a lot of crazy memories haha. Some found;
- their new favorite drink,
- inspiration to start a blog about their body parts,
- new friends
- souvenirs from past out Koreans
It was a really good night that we will remember as the WHHHAAAAT? OKEEEYY?`YEAAAAH!!! NIGHT :P.
Category: Seoul 2010
Okey, I know that a student can't love all of their courses, and usually I don’t have any bigger problems with courses (except the environmental semester I had in Sweden haha) but now I would really like to skip some classes because of the professors. I really can’t stand egocentric and thickheaded professors that can't teach in a clear way. I mean it's just great that you're not following your own course line and handout, and just in the last minute adding unrelated things to the midterm exam... So the above picture is exactly showing what I'm feeling..
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Next week it's Midterms at KHU and that's why my life equals study study study and a bit more of study. It's going a bit slow as I'm also sick and super tired all the time. But trying to make the best of thing by going to my favorite café, Brown Coffee and having my smoothie while studying to good music.
Category: Seoul 2010
It’s finally Friday and me and the girls are getting ready for another great night out. Tonight we are going to the Oktoberfest held by the IFCC, going to be fun and I'm all pumped up after shopping at Forever 21 and my new favorite song, Miami 2 Ibiza by Swedish House Mafia ft Tinie Tempah !...
My old classmate Angelicka Barua finally got her baby girl and I most say that it's the sweetest baby girl I've seen, just look at her eyes! Good job Angelicka, and welcome to the world little princess Jasmin.
Category: Seoul 2010
The last days I’ve suddenly become a housewife. I've been cleaning, doing a lot of laundry and yesterday me and Inga went out buying groceries, things for our room, warm clothes and medicine for our sick bodies. So we had a day where we took care of ourselves and our home, it’s really homie now. And I have also in this change become a little mummy to little miss Inga, I'm cooking, having extra shoes for her and letting her know when it's vitamin time aka I cut up some fruits for us that she HAS to eat up and then we take some medicin for dessert haha.
Category: Seoul 2010
This week it's been all about School, so only study study study for me. And now me and my poor roomie Inga is sick too. I have a really bad cold or something..:(..Oh well time to go back to the books.