A nice mix
Category: Seoul 2010

Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
The entrance
Category: Seoul 2010
The last couple of days have been days with a lot of goodbye's. That's the hard and sad part of the last days in Korea. But we have had fun, had a farewell party at Iron Blue that was fun, got a T-shirt that everybody could write you a message on. Really liked that. And then we have had goodbye dinners and parties in Hongdae. We also finally got to meet Mama Gorilla, that is far fancier than Papa Gorilla haha. Well yesterday was the last party night for 3 of my girls and was sad that we all spent the night separately. But I still had an unforgettable night and got to see a very close friend for the last time.
Yes the hardest thing is to say goodbye, therefore I only say see you soon.
The last dinner with Katta at VIPs
Katta's goodbye present from me
Last night out with Jennifer van P & Charlotte
Last night out with Sebastian & Taurean
The oopsii's together
Kiwon & Inga
Eating BBQ, Korean style in the middle of the morning
Dinner with the best friends on their last night together.
- These are the moments that you'll always remember-
Category: Seoul 2010
Tonight we are having a good bye dinner for Katta as she is leaving us tomorrow morning to go to Canada. :(..
She's really been looking forward to this, so happy for her and wish her the best. Even though I'll miss her ♥
Category: Seoul 2010
Last week it was my birthday and it was celebrates twice.
First on my real b-day my lovely girls (Inga,Katta,Jenni,Jennifer and Sofia) surprised me at home, They attacked me with 22 balloons and gave me a Kimchi cake and card haha..They really let me believe that my real cake was Kimchi, but as Jenni entered the room, the real cake came and everybody sang for me. Was soo sweet and ment a lot to me so started crying ( happy tears) haha. And after I had to figure out what the 22 balloons said, took me ages, was a bit slow and only had party in my head, but it said Happy Birthday Kimberly :P....
Well later we celebrated with a nice dinner inside the warm Italian restaurant here in Hoegi, it was really nice as it was snowing so much outside and was nice Christmas decorations inside.
On Friday; Viola's and my B-day party was at the Black Milk Bar in Hoegi. Was a great party with a lot of friends and good music, The place was perfect for me and I was super happy that day. I even got some nice presents as the nail polish set, a super cute teddy bear cake, a special made bucket and Korean B-day shots...Well after some hours in the Bar we finally left for Hongdae and partied at our second home Papa Gorilla...haha and the rest is history :P...
Category: Seoul 2010
The last final exams are done and Im officially done with school for this semester. Can't believe today was my last day at KHU, the first day here feels like it was yesterday. Crazy how time flies by. Is such a strange feeling, both sad and happy...
Category: Seoul 2010
Just opened a package I got from my dear aunt. It has to be one of the cutes packages I have got. Was a Christmas/ Birthday package that came with a lot of love from her. Haha I got a nice B-day card, Swedish magazine, Christmas hat, a lot of Christmas elf’s, CHOCKLAT ( GEISHA yummy) and most importantly gingerbread cookies...My dear aunt wanted me to get into the Christmas spirit and now I have finally got it, but also super sad as I’m now also super home sick....
Category: Seoul 2010
My friend Violetta posted a really funny video on Facebook and I'm still after 15 min laughing so much that I'm crying. Just watch the clip and you'll see why...
Category: Seoul 2010
Last weekend I and the girls visited the DMZ and it was actually cool. Got to see a lot of military, learn about the history, see the North side from the south and even visit the most northern station in South Korea. Really cool day even though I was sick the whole trip. But you can't have a bad day with my girls’ ♥
Category: Seoul 2010
Yes it's true, ask any girl.
And mom I didn’t make up this picture, I found it here in Seoul, so this is my proof of having many shoes and keeping on buying more :D..
Category: Seoul 2010
Category: Seoul 2010
Wiihoo, less than 24 hours till we leave for Tokyo!. Yes tomorrow evening I'm leaving South Korea for a couple of days to explore Tokyo. All of us going there really need this trip and have been looking forward to it!... Think it's going to be an amazing trip as I've got my daughter Inga with me and then my favorite Austrian boys Philipp, Johannes, Michael and Andreas. Also have two other friend that is going to be there at the same time, Jennifer van P and Charlotte, so hope to see them there too !...
Haha gosh I love to travel, is the best feeling in the world and tomorrow evening I get to sit on a plan by the window and look down at the world. Thats when I'm most relaxad...
Tokyo City
Category: Seoul 2010
The G20 was this month in Seoul and I took the chance to go to Coex, where the Summit took place. Of course we couldn’t go in, but was so cool to be outside it and to see how much security there was. That's when you really understood how big it was. And today at my cultivating Leadership class we had a guest speaker that was from the G20 committee, and this was the most interesting class for me. Was so amazed and my interest of international relation was awaken, so now I finally know what I'm going to write my thesis about when I come back to Sweden, about the G20 in Seoul! And I'm so glad that I've got an inside person I can interview and get a lot of material from !! :D
Category: Seoul 2010
Wiihoo I've finally got my 3rd tattoo and Im so happy that I now have got one tattoo made in Korea !!... I had a great day with my close friend Paul, had one of the best meals in Korea and then went to Tattoo Korea and got the great artist Potter ! He's really talented and it wasn’t that expensive. Haha wiihoo can't explain how happy I am, even though people today are worried about a war between North & South Korea. Oh well I'll get worried when it's in Seoul or my embassy says I need to leave the country. Until then nothing can take away my happiness :D
Category: Seoul 2010
Yesterday night me, Inga, Jennifer and Katta when to watch a scary movie. We watched the movie the Unborn , but it was only scary for Jennifer and more a good night story for the rest of us, had some funny parts though.
As my roomie is finally back, room 102 is once again the crazy room ( crazy blond + crazy brownie = extreme craziness) Haha...so in the middle of the night we came up with a brilliant idea of scarring Jennifer.. And we really succeeded with scarring her. But the poor thing first got a heart attack and screamed so that the whole building could hear her.. haha but after her chock she also though it was funny :D...Hihi so we had the haunting in I - house 2 !
Category: Seoul 2010
KHU Campus
Is been a really cold day in Seoul, the wind was killing us, but just happy that it's not snowing even though me and Katta got to see some snow yesterday, but just for some minutes. The bad news is that its going to be snowing next week. Jippi, me who likes snow ( ehm not). But today i've been really happy and despite the cold its been a really nice and sunny day.
What i've been up to today? Well had 2 classes today, one that I really liked and one were I just colored my calendar. After this I had a lot of calls to my bank and insurance company. But then had a nice night with dinner and coffee break with friends and is even planning to go to Japan in 2 weeks! :D
KHU Campus
KHU Campus
KHU Campus
Category: Seoul 2010
Today’s classes was kind of interesting in a wired way, they were really unexpected as we learned unnecessary things. For example this is one of the things I learned in my event class: