One day baby, we will be old, think about the stories that we could have told
Category: Daily Life

Yey, half the week has soon passed, and I feel like its more than that left. But I guess thats the result of all the work I've had to do at the office, the assignments I have now are super complicated but Im so happy that I figured out all the things to do yesterday, so I've had a good workflow even though its been a bunch to do.
So yeah I would love to go to sleep now, but I can't as my nigh shift starts in a bit, hope its going to be a smooth fun night.....oh yeah if you wounder why I put myself through the hell of working so much, well its because I love to work, and hard work pays off but mostly because I want to be able to do fun stuff and travel soon again...hopefully I can go for a weekend trip to London in a couple of weeks :)..
Anyways, Im still in a crazy good mood despite things with work, sleepless nights and bad news about deaths and heartbreaks arounds me...So here is a song that reminds me of France and mine and Barbies state of mind, that one day we'll be old so better have some great stories to tell haha
Have a great night people and keep that smile on your faces :D
Asaf Avidan - One day