Mmm, inget positivt inlägg detta kommer att vara. Men måste få utlopp för de senaste dagarna. Har varit en KATASTROF helg, och det är bara en underdrift av hur det har varit. Har verkligen inte varit vår helg och absolut inte min. Har fått en bit av en flaska i mitt huvud, tack gode gud för att man har tjockt hår så att det inte blev ett så stort hål. Men tack vare det så mådde man ju super, efter det första cp bråket kom vi till ett nytt ställe där nya människor börja bråka med våra vänner, som sagt katastrof, sen så var vi med om flera dåliga bråk, verkligen de flesta hade något dåligt argument med någon och för att få en fin avslutning på den helgen stals min plånbok och väska med allt i. Nycklar, alla kort, pengar, smink, tröja you name it. Vet inte vad en kille ska med en rosa tröja och smink för mörkhyade men men hoppas han har kul med mina grejer. Lördagen var inte mkt bättre, spenderade min dag på polisstationen och i telefon med banken, försökte ha en bra kväll i Itaewon, hahah never ever again, det området är så himla äckligt. Har aldrig varit med om ett sådant ställe, folk fick verkligen en att känna sig billig. Självklart blev det även bråk bland the rich people där och tjafs med lite folk. Vi fick verkligen nog och drog hem tidigt, vet inte vad det var med denna helgen men vart vi än gick så hände något dåligt och idag måste jag sitta i fler underbara samtal med försäkring o bank o korridors assistenter. Kommer någon mer och ger mig huvudvärk så varnar jag er o kontakta mig på egen risk. Självklart var det också västerläningar som ställde till allt bra, för koreaner är inte så galet folk. Är jag på dåligt humör? HELL YEAAAH, fick precis sista droppen!!
Today have been an interesting day, the classes was everything but good. For example; I learned that when you are hungry you go and eat!! ( I absolutely didn’t know this before).. But oh well school is school. After school I had a group meeting at a really nice café where you got a free cake/bagel/muffin when you order a drink. Really cool, and they also had private rooms. And after that, me, Katta and Sofia met up with the rest and went for dinner at Chop chop and ended the night with a movie at the Cinema. I finally got to go to the cinema, and it was really good. We watched the movie R.E.D that was hilarious even though it's an action movie or something.
Loved them in the movie !
Last week there was a lot of things to celebrate, one of the things was Sofias birthday that we celebrated first on her birthday with cake and on the Friday with a girls night out. Had a nice dinner, then drank some fresh pineapple soju ( best thing every), after this when to the Black hole and played some games and drank fruit soju and finally went to Indy Pub to dance. Haha Sofia though it only was going to be an early night as we just was in Hoegi, seems like she didn’t know us girls, as we came home early Saturday morning haha. The best thing of the night was when Sofia was going to drink her Korean B-day drink and the Korean guy came to sing for here haha.. And for me personally the main event was that my beloved Miss K came back, gosh I really have missed her :)
Here comes a summary of how we celebrated Halloween in Seoul. Was a lot of fun with crazy costumes and events. Can easily say it was one of the best Halloween celebrations ever, even though 80% of us came home with strange marks, missing belongings and so on. Gotta once again say thanks to Ciro and Robert who organized the last party, really good job guys !
Pictures can say more than thousand words, so here is some pictures from both Halloween parties!
Here is a great song from my friend Michael de Ceo's little cousin Wizkid. The guy is talented, if you like Sean Kingstone you will love this. Wizkid is coming to Seoul this weekend at the Black & White Party and Michael has got a nice surprise for you, going to be fun fun fun...
Enjoy and Holla at Wizkid !!
Finally time for Nightmare at Kyung Hee. Tonight outfit is on and now having a nice pre party with the girls and then we are heading of to the party!!
Happy Halloween people !
Yesterday we were at the Halloween Party in Gangnam, talk about A LOT of people there. It was a fun night even though the problems with waiting to get in in the beginning. Was fun to see so many people dressing up and having crazy costumes!.. My costume for that night was a crazy cute doll, haha scarred some people with my suddenly light skinned face but heard that I was adorable :D.. what do you think?
Kimchi the doll with its friend vs The pirate Inga
The pirate wanted to kill poor Kimchi =(
Talk about a lot of people..
The joker & Madonna
Madonna & the mouse
Madonna, The mouse & Kimchi the doll
Kimchi the doll with Hitmans gun..
The dinner with the girls was great, I loved the food and the restaurant was really nice. You could pick whatever you liked from the moving band with small dishes. Was really cool and comfy, so me, Katta and Jennifer together ate 31 dishes and the other girls around the same. Haha 2 thumbs up for Sushi!!
Wiihoo, I'm finally going to try Sushi for the first time. Going for a dinner with the girls. Really hope Im going to like it when so many people has said it's so good.
Mums mums :D
So damn pissed off and need a boxing bag so that I don't kill somebody. I knew this would happen. Once again my dear school is being a pain in the ***. Really nice that you wont let me do the internship!. Just got to love you!!
Finally the last day of midterms has come. Have the last exam tomorrow at 9am and then I'm free !..Don't think this exam will go so great but oh well, all you can do is your best. So wish me luck !
Xoxo // Kimchi
After a lot of panning and replanning we girls finally got to celebrate Sofia! She got really suprised when Jennifer & Inga was in her room when she locked up the door. We all sang Happy Birthday and the girls had a beautiful cake waiting for her. Was really great, so good job girlies !
Today is a speciell day, today it's my Finnish friend Sofia's Birthday.
So happy birthday little lady, wish you the best in life. And we girls got a little surprise for you !!
Rihanna has been working hard with her new singles and I as always love her music.
So here is her smashing song who's that chick!
The 2 in 1 video ( Day vs Night)
Sound is my remedy
Feeding me energy
Music is all I need