Kimchi's point of view

Hot Red can't go wrong



As my computer doesn’t work, I've ordered the new Macbook Pro 13" and Im going to get it this week. So yes Im going to join the Apple family, but hey its a great computer. And as its so expensive I've decided to take good care of it and buy a nice sleeve for it, so I just ordered this stunning sleeve that looks like a bag. It's so me, red, practical and fashionable ! The coolest thing expect that it protects my Mac is that it has a tracker ID so that I can find it if it gets lost/stolen ! ♥

Knomo 13" Embossed Quilt Sleeve



  • Sofia säger:

    I'm so jealous!!! I have to write my thesis with my old computer which might end its days at any moment.

    2011-04-15 | 21:51:54
  • Knomo säger:

    A macbook pro is worth every cent and it last much longer than a scrappy, plastic PC. I've had mine for 3 years and its as fresh as when I bought it. Really nice sleeve!

    2011-05-10 | 21:01:13

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