I know im a little crazy, but that's what happens when you put it down like that
Category: Rnb/Stream Music

Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
This is Bosses cute dog, Monki... He's so calm and cuddly <3
Category: Daily Life
So today is the big day. The day me and Erika become roomies!
It's just around lunch and me and her have already done so much. We met up our landlord, got the keys to the apartment, it was kind of strange seeing it so empty and realizing that in a couple of hours me and Erika would be living there. Think it will be great even though we will struggle with out economy in the beginning. But will make it !!..So anyways the girls that has lived there were so sweet and left a lot of food and even put up a Christmas light.
Well after being in the apartment, we went to the bank, I had to fix my insurance and after that we went to Tele2 to get info about how I get a new phone (miss my baby so much </3 ). After that I came home, had got my new sim card so got my old number back and as soon as I activated it Phone Family called and told me that I got the job..wiiihooo So so far the day as been great except that i got a fine from SL, got some bad luck this month but Ive got the feeling that, that will change!
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
The last couple of days hasn't been that great as something bad has happened each day. It's been from small thing, like my phone getting stolen to bigger and personal stuff. So therefore today I broke down for a while as I just couldn’t take all stress, emotions and drama. So yeah im not that inhuman and cold hearted as some may think. But anyways from time to time you do need to take the time and let yourself react to things thats happening, so after the break down, i stood up and shook it of to go to Irinis Julmys (kind of a Christmas gathering), its was really nice as it may be the last time I see Irini this year. So we were a big gang who ate, talked, laughed, exchanged presents and just had a good time. So thanks for that Irini, it's easy to see how loved you are by many :D...
Category: Daily Life
Today I was supposed to go up early and get everything done. But my sleeping problems are back so had to let myself sleep longer than planed as I feel asleep around 7 this morning :S...so anyways today is a to do day...I've now packed up all my things so now i just have to clean, but ulla is sleeping so can just dust a bit and later vacuum.. so anyways just going to eat after that and then run of to the studio and work.
Category: Just saying
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Just saying
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Yesterday was my 23rd birthday and I didn’t do much except work, so I was glad that Boland was so sweet and took me out on a B-day fika :D…But even though I didn’t do much, I got a lot of b-day wishes that made me super happy, so thanks for that. And today is a real special day…first of all its my last day at my internship that is both sad and nice. Its sad to leave the place and all the nice people but also nice to really get started with work and all. But as I promised Isabelle, I will come and visit soon and it’s been so nice to hear the kind words the OPC people has said about me, so glad that they think I’ve done a great work..so Isabelle if you do need help, im just one call away haha :P..
So now to some happier news, today im finally going to celebrate my B-day wiiihoo!! Not at all as last year (don’t think I’ll be able to ever top that <3) but have a small gang who is going to meet at my friend Jonas place to pre party, and then later we are going to Kulturhuset for the winter party and tribute to Dj Black Moose’s tribute party. I think its going to be a great and crazy night with a lot of laughs :D !!
Category: Just saying
From time to time we all forget to just take a break from all the negative/stressful things in life and reflect on the big picture. I mean if we all would do that more often we would have more smiles and joy in our daily life as we often forget that we do have a rea good life. As long as you are alive, healthy and your close ones are good, what’s there to be so mad/sad about? Everything else is not that important, cuz you can survive and be happy without the best job, school, love live etc..but can you survive and be happy without the love from the close ones and all that. My point is, take care and appreciate the real deal that is MOST important...
so anyways today is my B-day and my sweetie Inga wrote the niiiicest thing ever to me that I really needed to hear. So damn cute, how can't you love this girl.
Here is her post to me:
This is what I wanted to tell you and not only cause it’s ur bday :P I have realized there is no one else like you, and I feel so blessed to know such person like you, my dear. I am glad that that someone somehow has tied our lifes together and I still have a chance to b ur friend. U r fun, u bring happiness and joy to my life just by being yourself, you inspire me and give so much more than you get, you are great adviser when it comes to someone else’s problems and not urs and the most important thing is that we make such an AWESOME party team. :D I mean all the crazy things we have done purposely and all the things that just happened itself, it’s just amazing. Doesn’t matter if we are discussing someone’s ass, abs, a movie or just talking things, we always have something to talk about, which I love the most. :)
So now comes the fun part. :D I wish ur birthday is just as special as you are, hope it brings u lots of happiness and u can’t stop smiling till u start to have the actual pain from smiling. :D Super fun birthday party with lots of special people, lots of booze (especially buckets is a must have :D ) tasty bday cake and many presents. If talking future-wise I really hope that you achieve everything and anything you have wanted. Stay cool, fun, never lose that someone who u are and the most important part- be and stay healthy..or I am coming to kick ur ass, which is gonna be kinda soon :D
P.S. U are still getting old, mama :D
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
As I've said before, the youngsters now days are so damn good lookin'. Haha I dont know what happened but sometime I wish that it was legal to be with an under aged, cuz if it was I would so have Diggy as my nr 1 hubbie...But now I probably better leave him to my baby sisters as they are in his age :P...Now maybe some of you are think, but Kimchi come one he is not that hot, sexy mannish etc...well that's not my type..I like the cute ones, the skinny ones, the goofy ones with a lot of personality and charisma..that’s just me :P
DIGGY ft Jeremih - Do it like you
Category: Daily Life
Today I've had a good day, worked at the office, went with Erika to see our apartment and Erika approved so we signed the contract, so in ONE week we are moving in. Partners in crime becomes roomies :D..
Well after going back to the office and finishing work, I went to the studio and hanged out with the people preparing for the BIG NIGH on Friday!! I really do hope that everyone comes to support DJ Black Moose as he really deserves it. So after some work stuff, Mr M picked me up and we had a nice time out. It was real nice to see him again and I'm still surprised that we have so much to talk about haha but sorry for making you miss your training :P..
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Just saying
Category: Daily Life
This day has gone like a roller-coaster...started of stressful, as soon as I went out and saw the snow and ice I though oh now, great now the winter chaos will start, then came to the office, was kind of chill, worked with first lane and helped Christina with stuff, but was so clumsy that I almost spilled a full coop of coco over the computer, project reports and my NEW phone (had a heart attach)..well anyways after working at the office I came to the studio and got cheered up with the funny ppl here. I got to meet Lazee who is a real nice guy, and his new music is real good. The best part is that he has the Malmö dialect so feel like home when he speaks :D....So anyways now its soon twelve o clock and Im still working so going to stop working and get this tired kimchi home.
Category: Daily Life
Category: Musik
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Im not the biggest fan on Lady Gaga, but I can say she knows what she does and has got a great business and a lot of hits. But one thing I have noticed is that she is damn good at making remembered videos that stick out. Just look at the latest one for Marry the night.
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Musik
Category: Daily Life
I can't believe it but its already Friday, and this week has gone super fast. Even though I started of this new month with a lot of headache and stomach pain im still in a good mood. Just sucks that I couldn’t go to the office today as I felt so bad...well anyways back to this week. I've been to 2 job interviews that both went well, so going to meet the bosses later next week and see if I pass that interview too. So that feels great..So despite working a lot I also went to out with Erika to see Tony Matterhorn at Göta Källaren. We really had a blast and a crazier night out then expected haha...So anyways now its the weekend. So going to rest the whole day and then maybe go to a baby shower and later on meet a friend. All depends on If my body will let me be a functional human again :P..
Category: Daily Life