The past and the future...
Year 2010 was a crazy year, I called it the South year as I for the first part of the year was in South Africa and for the last half was in South Korea. So kind of suiting. The past year has brought me so much experiences and unforgettable memories for life. I’ve been through really bad times with personal depression and serious illness that almost put a stop for my semester in South Korea but I’ve also been through the happiest moments in my life that brought me back to life. The most important factor of last year is all the wonderful people that stood by my side in good and bad. Except my lovely family that is my strong rock, I especially cherish 3 close friends that got to my best friends, the way they have been there for me last year mean so much to me, so thanks Clara, Shara and Francis. I know in my heart that you’ll be true friends for life.
So what have been the best part of year 2010? Without no doubt my abroad semester in South Korea. As you already know had a blast even though there also was some bad things that happened, and it’s funny how some people think they rule the world. But funny how a little girl like me can manage to break the Prince of Nigeria right haha :P… As I’ve said before, think smart before you mess with me, I aint a girl who just stands down how little I am, don’t let my cute face fool you to think I deserve less respect! Oh well but back to the good times, I got to know so many wonderful people, especially my lovely roomie Inga. I couldn’t have found a better roomie and best friend in crime than her, just a perfect match for 2 crazy girls as us and I think everybody who knows us would agree on that haha. Thanks to that crazy girl who always hurt herself and got bruises in strange places I everyday got to laugh my ass of and that sometimes almost killed me haha. Except from her I also got to know my other girlies Jenni,Jennifer, Sofia, Audrey, Jiwon and of course Miss K from before. Had a blast with all of you. And for the guys I’ll truly will miss Paul (my favorite crazy man), Johannes ( my Nutella buddy), Philipp ( my own Mr 305), Jerry ( my all time favorite dancer) and of course Tui ( my own agent) ! There are so many more people I will miss but just wrote the absolute closest. And to sum it up, yes 2010 will be hard to top, but I’ll do my best to in this year, 2011 live the life I love, love the life I live. So you’ll see Kimchi graduating, working, doing crazy stuff, getting more tattoos and traveling all over the world this year!
A mix of the past year, 2010
2011 – the year to Live Love Laugh