Finding the light...

Hmm so how am I going to explain this, make sense of whats going on. Haha don't really know that as I myself can't really understand it. But you could say that for a while now I've been kind of lost. And that happens to everyone as Life is life and gives you it's crazy curveballs. This isn't something new for me, I just guess that I hoped to be done with messy stuff like this and hoped I was much stronger than I've been. But hey, I guess Im after all also human and can't handle it all. To be admitting that is hard for me as Im a person who is suppose to make it all happen. Well now Im honestly not really getting it together even if people seems to think Im a miracle worker who fix and gets it all. Haha news flash for you all, I work hard for everything sometimes way to hard and its times like these I pay for it.
For some days ago I told a close friend of mine that I'm losing the grip of everything, that Im lost and incapable of figuring out things with school and that scarred me. As I've always been able to handle it superbly, but now feel like I've lost my smarts. And this friend of course as usually just said You are Kimchi, you always fix it. Well what if I don't? What if I can't find the light in the tunnel in time?...
