tuesday tuesday tuesday

This day started of really bad, had a shity morning that made me super mad. It usually takes me a loooong time to get that pissed off, but thanks to Jönköpings buses it didnt take that long. It started with that my first bus was super late, and then my transfer bus didnt come, and neither did the second one. And the third one of course came super late. I got so mad so I had to blow of the steam by calling my mom, she gets the importance of working systems and understood me perfectly. Haha yeah the last couple of years we have been starting to rethink that maybe we still are blood related as we are SO alike :P....Oh well back to my day, I finally got to work 50min late, in a bad mood, but after a while I was back to normal (especially after some hot coco :P)...So yeah, the rest of the day just flew away, haven't done anything special since I came home from work accept watch the new teen wolf episode and studied and cooked dinner...So now time to jump in bed so I wont be as tired as I was today.
Hope your day was much better than mine and cant wait till its weekend, and to celebrate that I'm posting one of my happy songs. This one is by Katy Perry - Last friday Night...(think me & Inga have done most of the things she sings about hahah)
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