Happenings this week..

Another week has now passed and its been a crazy week.
So im going to do my best to remember what i've been up too by pointing out some stuff.
; I've finally moved in to the guys and thanks to my lovely friend Blomman, the move went really smooth. We rented a super nice car ( we are thinking of buying that car but in a different color in the future haha) packed the car, drove to the new place, moved everything, then went to IKEA and shopped, ate at MAX and finally returned the car. All that within 3h. :D
; I finally got to party at Farfar and of course it had to be the last Farfar for the semester. But better late then never right? Anyways this place wasn't really my type of club and there was waaay to many people there, even little me couldn't move. But still was a good night spent with old friends.
; I've got to use my lovely blue high heels, and they were popular. I also got the comments that I now had the normal hight thanks to the shoes haha.
; I have been to 2 job interviews , both are for jobs in Jönköping and I think they went well.
; My suuper nice prom dress has arrived, so got to try it on and I love it, its just a bit to long for me so have to fix that.
; I've become a big movie geek again thanks to my roommates who has a lot of movies and series. Also become addicted to the series Spartacus, blood & sands thanks to miss Hiba. First we were disgusted by it but then we got totally hooked to the crazy thing :P
; I've been to the Goodbye dinner for the international students by the IA. It was really great and so far the biggest dinner we've had. Was super fun with good food, nice live band, speeches and awards. Later on I got to spend some time with miss Bidita who clams that when we are out together super crazy stuff happens haha :P But that night was a calm night, just went to 3 pre-parties and then aka.
; I've started my 3months antibiotic cure for my mouth, and its already helping. So soon I hopefully can eat normal again without pain :D
Hmm...yeah that's all i can remember right now, besides working with my beloved thesis. Hope you're week has been fun ;)