Baby, something is on my mind and I gotta say it...

Behind every B*tch there is a man that made her that way…
That’s something miss B said and I can’t help but totally agree with her. I mean if you think about it, it’s so damn true. Every woman has got a breaking point and once she has reached it, you think she is going to get even nicer than before. Haha hell no she is going to be the coldest bitch on this planet and I don’t blame people for not taking any more shit. I mean she’s just a babe in total control of herself!...haha but then again there are some bitches that has been played for to long and the get totally f*** and those need to find happiness again somewhere. Like this morning I met the craziest bus lady ever and she was mad just to be mad and was a real fucked up B***’ so that even I flipped out on her. And I’ve got a long patience but damn this woman was crazy and I think she needs to get laid fast as hell cuz that’s just not normal flipping out on kids for no reason….well anyways enough with all the bad words, just had to say something and if you are thinking well Kimchi ain’t no angel or that perfect..haha yeah of course I’m not, I’m human and sure I can be a total B*tch too but believe me people who experience that side of me really deserve it and I think that compared to people I know I’m the nicest b*tch with the cutest smile :P