Like DAAAAMMMMN im kind of speechless and surprised that I survived this day. First of all I.had huge sleeping problems so only slept one hour last night. Then worked at the office with huge and complicated deadlines. Was so damn cranky, woke up in a bad mood. But managed to get through work and had a lovely lunch with the ladies at Primo. Then after that shift I still was pissed of at everything so I hit the gym to get it out of my system..Helped for like one hour as people were annoying. then it was time for the night shift. So decided to take a long walk to work and get some more steam of with happy music. haha and it calmed me down a bit but had to drink a lot of energy drinks to be alive. Then we all went crazy as usual. But the people we met tonight were amazing in a bad way. Freaking crazy people, alcohol,.fights, drugs, undercover police, girl fights, money fights haha yeah you name it. So I do wonder if there has been anything in the air tonight cuz this was bonkers.anyways to some fun.things. I.booked my flights tonight. So France next week for a winter vacation with Barbie. Haha going to be interesting as I hate winter and never been on a ski trip but you have to try everything and going to be fun getting away for a bit and recharging my batteries.. to some less fun stuff. It seems like I can't say this to much. People are really stupid. So I'll make it clear for you. Stop being stupid and bitchy and insecure and start drama you can't finish. Its so unattractive and childish attacking others and ganging up on one person, especially when you don't have all the facts. So if you can't act as big as your MOUTH..please for your own sake just sit down and shut it before you really get hurt. Cuz it seems like people don't know what kind of people they start things with. So trying to start things with me or about me doesn't face me. I got better things to do..BUT to attack my dear ones is just suicide! Karma won't even save you from my anger. So if you wish to not meet hell please use the few brain cells you have left real wise. and I say this with love and a smile :D love Kimchi