Hey y'all, yes I am alive just have had loads to do the past weeks. To sum it up I've worked then had vacation, celebrated midsummer with friends in a cabin on the country side, been out clubbin with my craZy turnt up friends, then I've moved to my new adorable apartment and sadly enough been really sick the last 2,5 week. So ended up going back to the south to.the family and docs. But now Im much better so will be heading back home to the big city tomorrow. Now that I've been home in Skåne, I've also had the chance to spend time with the family, having bbq's, playing with the kids and hang out with my siblings. I also took the chance to go to the carnival in my old town with my brother and oldest friend. Was a real good day spending time with them especially when I haven't seen my friend for years and that I won't see my brother til next year as he's going to move to China. haha the family is starting to shear my love for Asia :D..well anyways hope you all are enjoying summer !