Kimchi's point of view

Next stop Yeosu

Category: Seoul 2010

Leaving wonderfull and sunny Busan to go to Yeosu with Inga, Jenny,Jennifer, Violetta and Sofia !

Next stop : BUSAN

Category: Seoul 2010

Just one hour left til we leave I-house 2!, The bags are packed and we are all done, so first a little groups visit at 7-eleven and then it's time to take the taxi to the train that will take us to Busan. I'm so looking forward to it!

(from Seoul to Busan,  takes about 3hours)

Happy & Beautiful life for you

Category: Seoul 2010

The bag

Wiiho I just got my Chuseok present from the dorm. It is really kind of them, giving us a thanksgiving present. In the big package there were soaps, shower things and toothpaste from LG.

The box

and here are the things..

Yesterday was a good good day

Category: Seoul 2010

Yes, it really was. The sun was shining and the weather was great, only had one really bad class, that was supposed to be in English but is more in Konglish so I really wonder how me and Charlotte are going to pass that class. Oh well after a day with classes, my Thanksgiving break official started so I when shopping, bought my new grey glasses for only 60 000 won ( 408kr), some new clothes and groceries. So I've finally used our kitchen and It's really great making your own food. And last night we all when to the Welcome Party 2 for all international students , at a club in Hongdae. It was a fun night with a lot of dancing and mingling. So today is going to be a calm day as we are going to Busan early in the morning tomorrow. 

Back on the happy road

Category: Seoul 2010


Yesterday was a really bad day for me, it was one of those day when everything goes wrong and you're fed up with it. After my glasses & camera broke (none of them fixable), my courses was wrong, got a lot of work from Sweden etc. I just got enough and was in a really bad mood. So got a lot of cleaning done and watched a lot of series like the new Gossip Girl. That made the day a bit better. But today I've had a really good day even though I had a lot of classes and I still have a problem with one course, I went through the day smiling. It has been really good weather these days and today I had a nice evening with Sofia. Got some shopping done, so I've got a new Casio Digital Camera and some kitchen things so I can cook. We've also eaten at a Korean restaurant with Paul & Audrey and then played some pool at my favorite bar. But the best thing of today is that the tickets & room for the thanksgiving weekend are fixed. So on Saturday I'm going to Busan, on the cost of South Korea and then maybe to Jeju-Island or just go through the cities on the cost. I'm really looking forward to that as it's said to be a paradise! :D..

Oh come and get you some..

Category: Seoul 2010


After tonight’s dinner with Sofia I got to experience one of the nicest things with Seoul. We went to a DVD shop, but it isn't like the Swedish DVD shops. Here you pick a movie and get a private room with a huge sofa and tv screen. So in other words you have our own cinema for only 10 000won (ca 70kr). I though it was really cool so that is now one of my favorite places, and it's open 24/7 :D.. Oh well the movie we saw was Street Dance, a British dance move that had really cool moves and good music that got stuck in our heads!


Category: Seoul 2010

After only 2 weeks in Korea I have started to become a fan of K-pop music. First I found it to be quit strange as it reminds me of 90's pop groups, only cuter and bigger as a group can be up to 12 members. But after listening to a lot of the songs, I got hooked. Especially to the styles and dances the artist has. When you are out at the clubs in Seoul and the K-pop is on it's quit amusing as all Koreans has a special dance to every song that everybody knows. So it becomes a big movement with happy, jumping Koreans. I think it amazing so I've tried to learn some moves. =)

Oh well now I'm going to continue listening to some K-pop music and study till the rest of the students has ended their classes. ( My classes has already ended, was in school from 9-12.45)...

Enjoy the song and Have a good day!

Supreme Team- Dang Dang Dang

Is your pet your baby?

Category: Seoul 2010

When we were out shopping in town we meet this woman who really cared for her pet..Haha yeah some people just LOOOVE their pets..

All work and no play, is totally missing the point !

Category: Seoul 2010

Oh what a day it was yesterday, it was really a day with a lot of event. First we (almost all of the international student) saw FC Seoul's football game, I usually don't like to see games but this was fun and very cheap ( 10 000won = 70kr, for entrance ink a hotdog and beer)! The great spirit from the Korean fans was unbelievable and  FC Seoul won the game easily with 4-0, so it got us in a good mood that you really could hear on the subway.  The next stop was Anam where there was a huge event for University students; this was really crazy and interesting to see the Korean student culture. After this we went back to Hoegi and had a blast at the bar Blue Iron. The owner though I was so kind and helpful so I got a Soju bottle !

Hello good morning

Category: Seoul 2010

The last days there has been a lot of shopping and clubbing. I'm a shopaholic and can shop for hours but there in Seoul even I get tired as there is so much things to see and do. But I still love shopping! And the nightlife here is really great. I really like that everything is open 24/7, like you can go home from the club at 6 Am and the nice restaurants and some some clothing shops are still open! Seoul has got a big range of clubs so the last nights I've been to the club Cacoon ( lovin the club, just my type of club with great music) and yesterday we were at the club Volume as a famous DJ was coming there. The music at that club was really not my style, I can't stand techno for more than 20min, but the club was otherwise cool, with the interior and lights.

Some comments on Korea:

- Korean dancing is really interesting/ odd/ funny...they have specific dance moves that are combined with a jumping dance. Really strange for a westerner to see but I thought it was fun so I've learned it haha..

- Korea has got the coolest toilets, the seats are warmed up and you can even wash your
back side if you want to...

- After the last couple days of Korean rain I've started to love Swedish rain as it's nothing compared to this rain. It's really crazy and sometimes dangerous as you always slip.

- I've now got an understanding why Koreans always have an umbrella. Because of this damn rain. But the cool this is that the shops and restaurants has thought of it and have got special umbrella plastic bags that you put your umbrella in so that you get rid of the dropping from the umbrella.

- Korean pop music is kind of a mix of Swedish schlager music mixed with 90's girl/boy music.

- If you only could one word to describe Korea and it's culture it would be CUTE.

Wiiiho I'm finally free

Category: Seoul 2010

All my classes for this week is done so my weekend starts today and that's so great ! I'm looking forward to having a good weekend with a lot of happenings, the first stop is to get a Korean cell phone and a new handbag ( my beloved bag from South Africa is totally broken =(...). The rest of the weekend isn’t really planned, but we are going out and then maybe going to an amusement park and game, of course we have to do some shopping/ sightseeing to :P.. 

On my mind..

Category: Seoul 2010

The couple of last days I’ve done a lot of thinking and have got a lot of inspiration and motivation.
I’ve gone through where I’ve been and seen the path that I’m now own. I’ve once again proven for myself that there always is a way and I never give up.

See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.

I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I’m strong enough to climb the highest tower.

And there’s just no turning back,
Gonna give everything I have, I will fight till forever!
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Cause this is my destiny.

                                                                                                                   with love /♥κ

The mystery

Category: Seoul 2010


What really happened to little Paul last friday? Nobody knows, so I think CSI is needed for this mystery..

Well, Paul is still Happy :P

Tired is my first name

Category: Seoul 2010


I should rename myself to Little miss tired as I'm so damn tired, but got a lot to do. So now I’m going to study for tomorrows Organization Management Class. 30 pages here I come wiiihoo..
Good night People.

Got some new colour

Category: Seoul 2010

Today I got some new contact lenses, they are brighter then the ones I'm used to, so they are going to take some time to get used to. But when I got them I got the cutes box for them to, and it's really practical as it has got tweezers and a mirror


Seoul International Tourism Forum 2010

Category: Seoul 2010

As I earlier mentioned I had the opportunity to go to this forum, as it is a part of my Convention/Brand Management class and my professor was going to talk about his research. It was a great experience and I even got to try the translation device they have at big convention events!

Always eating out with friends..

Category: Seoul 2010

This night I had dinner with Katta and Sofia at one of their favorite restaurants. The food was really good, even though it was a bit spicy for me. But I love nodules, rice and chicken, so it went well.
I really liked the restaurants design with the wooden walls.

Checkin up

Category: Seoul 2010

Här kommer lite snabb info/ kommentarer om de senaste dagarna:

Har utforskat en del av Seoul shopping utbud, it's GREAT! Shoppingcenter i denna stad är öppna till halv sex på morgonen och det finns allt ifrån marknader till lyxaffärer.

Jag har varit på lite sightseeing i Seoul, staden har verkligen en vacker miljö,
med fantastiska byggnader, nya som gamla.

Utelivet i Seoul är som inget jag har varit med om, har i helgen därför fått minnesvärda utekvällar.

Skolan har inte helt börjat på allvar än, men redan är jag trött på att plugga.

Har varit på en stor konferens " Seoul International Tourism Forum", var riktigt intressant och häftigt o vara med om en så seriös händelse med viktiga människor från hela världen. 

Jag mer eller mindre hatar skolans kursupplägg och allt strul runt det!

Jag är grymt irriterad över att inte ha fått den kursen jag verkligen vill ha, Event Management !

 Jag älskar att skolan har en stor klätterväg, så ska allt ta o pröva på det någon dag!

Crazy day

Category: Seoul 2010

Inatt drabbades staden av en stark orkan, som höll mig vaken större delen av natten. Var väldigt starka vindar och ösregn och mellan  5 -8  var det även el avbrott. Så tack vare denna sömnlösa natt försov jag mig och vaknade 15 min innan min lektion, men lyckades ändå komma i tid. Vilket jag senare ångra då det var en dålig lektion och den efter var inte mycket bättre. Så kommer antagligen att stryka dessa kurser. Men lyckligt viss har jag haft en bra föreläsning, vilket var HR Management.

Efter alla lektioner blev det en massa farande fram och tillbaka på Campus, då jag hade mycket att fixa. Men slutligen lyckades jag få ut mina pengar, hämta min bok, äta lunch, träffa OIA, packa, säga hej då till roomien och flytta. Dagen var minst sagt stressig men avslutades av en underbar kväll. Blev middag, drinkar och biljard med min käre vän Edgar.

My new home...

Category: Seoul 2010

I eftermiddags fick jag äntligen byta boende, så numera bor jag i I-house 2 och har min frihet tillbaks. Mitt boende är mycket mindre än mitt förra på Sewha men ändå bättre än vad jag trodde, eftersom det är en bra planlösning. Nu har jag också fått en ny roomie vid namnet Inga från Litauen, en super härlig tjej som jag har mycket gemensamt med. Ja, flytten var ett bra beslut!

A little tour:


The beds from "heaven" or something...

2 i 1 toan

Mitt skrivbord och våran gemensamma garderob!

And that was it..