Jupp, time really passes by really fast..The last couple of days has just disappeared even though I haven't been up to much. I've just hanged out with some friends, taken it easy, watched movies, slept, studied and worked. The best thing of this past days, has been the great weather and that I've been able to lay in a bikini and study! Makes thesis much more fun :P..
Well that's no news for me that girls runs the world, but just in case somebody missed it Beyonce made a song about it. Girls (who run the world) is her new comeback single. The Queen be is coming back this summer :D
...så gick jobbkvällen bra igår, kändes som en mix kväll och jag fick som vanligt vara i garderoben men också lära mig disken igen. Var rätt trevligt att jobba trots att jag var sjukt trött efter all jobb. Men trots 4timmars sömn so lyckades jag ta mig till skolan o plugga lite och även söka en massa jobb som har med min utbildning. Men nu är jag hemma och ska stor städa lägenheten efter gårdagens gäster o sen ta en power nap innan jag går in i väggen. Så om sanningen ska fram känner jag mig som en sleten häst :P...
Eric Amarillo - Om sanningen ska fram
( haha det är en av låtarna jag har fastnat för denna vecka, o ja den är svensk o jag han säger verkligen det ni tror han säger. Men låten är skön o om man tänker efter så talar han ju sanning :D)
Today is going to be a super long day. I’m just working all day long. First at the office from 8-17 and then it’s time to work at the student night club till around 3 in the morning. Yeey, think I’m going to need a lot of red bulls today. But luckily I’m working the nightshift with HI LIFE that are super fun to work with. So hope Jkpg student won’t go too crazy to night (yeah right haha), it's Easter, all student are back from internships and its an open night at Akademien. In other words it’s going to be a busy night :P..
Yeeey, I finally got really started with my thesis and wrote several pages and was happy that I had a clear view. But guess what happens when I turned it in to my teacher? She wanted be to change direction, so in other word I now have to start all over again. Can you imagine how happy I am right now?
The end of last week, I can honestly say that I was super stressed out and therefore decided to have the time of my life on both Wednesday and Saturday, aka danced the stress of haha. Both of those nights were epic, but my night out with Shara one of my best party girls, was really crazy. You can say that we had a blast!
Otherwise what have I been up to these last days? Well I worked both Thursday and Friday, then when big shopping with Ellen,Dick and Shara on Saturday, then had a dinner/pre pre party with them and others that fallowed with a bigger pre party and finally Sliver and after party at our place. Sunday Shara and me took it easy, went to a Thai buffé and then just chilled out in the sofa. So today its a new day, a new week with a lot of studying and work...but still got a smile on my face as the weather is so great! :D..
Today is Wednesday, and I usually love this day as it's "lil lördag" here in Jönköping aka the Student night out day. I was planning to just study all night but as Miss Shara is back, we're going to have a night out. There for im going to be super hardcore and study my ass of before tonight! Wish me luck :)
I’m Hardcore by Ryan Higa x David Choi x JR Aquino
( the lyrics and video is so hilarious, can't help but love it)
I mostly like this song because of Trey Songz and I absolutly don't get the point of having Rick Ross in the song. But oh well the song is growing on me :)
As my computer doesn’t work, I've ordered the new Macbook Pro 13" and Im going to get it this week. So yes Im going to join the Apple family, but hey its a great computer. And as its so expensive I've decided to take good care of it and buy a nice sleeve for it, so I just ordered this stunning sleeve that looks like a bag. It's so me, red, practical and fashionable ! The coolest thing expect that it protects my Mac is that it has a tracker ID so that I can find it if it gets lost/stolen ! ♥
As you already know Im now stuck with my stupid thesis. And this is just on third of the books for my research,, so talk about not having any life til I graduate. And as I said on fb, Me+thesis = worst friends ever !!!!
Ja visst är det så och på senaste tiden är min stora brist att jag absolut inte kommer överens med min C-uppsats. Får inte alls ihop det och jag är super förvirrad och helst bara vill glömma bort hela grejen. Men förhoppningsvis får jag snart koll på allt och ser ljuset i tunneln. Annars lär jag bli galen, kan ju inte kugga på sista kursen innan examen !
I've been so in love with these shoes since last summer and since day one they have been my big and only love. And tomorrow they are finally going to be mine :D ♥
Chris Brown has done it again, he has made me fall in love with another love song. This time it is the song Treading water, that is going to be on his upcoming album Fortune.
Just got some really bad news and once again life has proven to be unexpected and unfair. But together we'll get through it, besides we are a strong family and we always make lemonade of lemons ♥
Lose control ft Nelly is the next song Keri Hilson is going to release and it's from her album no boys allowed. It reminds me a bit of Rihanna, think its the beat that has a Rihanna vibe. But still like the song.
Looking like you've seen a beautiful ghost. She must have been a sight to see
This past weekend has been really great, spring is really here so loving the sun and now I can be super colorful just as I like it. So just lovely and it's so nice seeing so many people out. Also lovely to have some use of all my sunglasses, on saturday my favorite purple one's got to be used together with a dress a bough in South Africa. As you can see on the picture i was in a super good mood and a bit goofy aka very happy as it was a good day spent with friends. So what have I been up to this weekend? Well I've had a big spring cleaning at home, been having a lot of "fikas", had BBQ with friends, had a movie night and also a super fun night out with Mr M & his crazy friends. But now it's back to reality and hard studying :(..
Im still taking some grown up points as I said no to going out and partying and instead though of my health. So this friday I've had a relaxing movie night. The movies I've so far seen is Sanctum ( really sad movie and even sader that its based on a true story) and Prince of Persia ( an okey movie, I would call it a see through movie as I know what would happen throught the movie). Hope you all are having a great Friday night, time for the next movie..
Today Im for some reason super happy and therefore it's a good day. The weather is awesome and it's FRIDAY so finally going to spend some time with some friends that I havent seen for ages. So after dealing with some school & work stuff. It's time for some AW, so of I go..
I don't know if I've missed Sweden and the Swedish culture so much that I've suddenly started to love and crave Swedish music or that Swedish music actually has become really good. Don't really know the answer to that, just know that I've got a lot more Swedish songs on my playlist and this is one of the most repeated ones.
Finally the video for Far East Movement's song OMG is here. I can clearly remember when I was super addicted to this song in Korea, listened to it every day for like a month. After watching the video and seeing that they have Hite ,I really start to miss Korea
Will you be dancing tonight? If you listen to Miss Kat Deluna you probably will. The girl is still alive and the song Dancing Tonight is her new hit. It's not that special for me, just Ok, but nice to hear from her again.
As most people know 2 of my favorite artist are Keri Hilson and Chris Brown, and what can be better than 2 stars making a hot song together? The song Im talking about is One night stand by Keri and Breezy, it's been out for a while but the video is finally here and who wouldn’t say yes for another night with them?
Remember that I wrote about my favorite song Motivation by Kelly Rowland? She has now released the music video for the song, and Kelly made the song really hot. But I still love Lil waynes part the most...Lovely song...Enjoy
You need a real type of love, That can't be duplicated
LOL, this song just cracked me up when I got that B.O.B wasn’t a real persons’ name but stands for Battery Operated Boyfriend. I think Raheem DeVaughn has been through some battles with B.O.B and needs to prove himself or something, but still a cool song and video.
That's the name of Chris Brown's new" strip" song anthem , that shows his nasty side...so according to him it's only for the nasty'z and 18+ haha... if you ask me it's not the best song or video by him and not that nasty either haha..Also it's no news that you spend it all if you think with your little man :P
Har fått många frågor om vart jag har tagit vägen och om jag är kvar i Sverige, så tänkte bara försäkra alla om att jag lever och jag har inte försvunnit ifrån landet. Jag har bara varit väldigt sjuk och behövt tid för mig själv, men nu börjar jag smått att komma tillbaks till mitt vanliga liv. Har super mkt o göra både i skolan och på jobbet och undrar hur jag ska lyckas med allt, men finns väl en lösning till alla problem. Hoppas bara att jag också hinner ta igen all missat tid med IA och BC, har ej varit den mest engagerade medlemmen precis, men tyvärr går hälsan förre och då tar annat stryk. Men nu är det bara till att fokusera på framtiden, har en spännande månad framför mig. Min älskade Shara kommer tillbaks nästa vecka, har en C-uppsats att skriva, har en kurs att ta igen, har ett jobb att gå tillbaks till, har vänner att ta upp kontakten med, har ett nytt boende att flytta in till och slutligen en skön semester med min älskade Inga! I just cant wait för den resan ♥