Great start on the week

Category: Musik
Category: Musik
Category: Musik
Oh yeah, today has been a verry long day for me and it's not yet over. Got so much studying to do :(...The day started good with sunny weather and all, did some washing and then headed of to school. Have been on meetings and then tried to study with my guy friends, but mostly ended up chatting about old memories haha...Well had a nice dinner with the guys and now I have a really stupid assignment to do for tomorrow, that none of us gets, so tomorrows forum is going to be verrry interesting. It's kind of crazy, it hasn’t gone that long since this course started but I’m already so sick of school, I just want to get it over with and that is strange coming from me as I usually like school. But guess I need a serious break from it, and I though this semester would be easy but oh no, got so much to do and so little time. But that's what you get when you get engaged in so much as I do...maybe a bad move?
Im sorry but have to say that Im totally hooked for Jersey Shore. I've always thought it was a f*cked up show with crazy people but it's actually hilarious and after this weekend of watching the seasons I love the people, they're crazy but I love them and they do/ say stuff that is true. :P
(special moment from Friday ^^)
This weekend I haven’t done much. I celebrated little Miss Irma and it was nice to meet the old gang that always puts a smile on my face. This gang consists of a bunch of crazy people, so when we are together interesting things always happen and a lot of laughter occurs. We never went to the new club I really wanted to go to, was so much people there so we ended up at O’Learys that also was fun. Unfortunately I already started to feel sick on Friday so wasn’t in my top game, and resulted in that I spent the rest of the weekend at home to recover. Everyone knows that I have a hard time doing nothing and not being out with friends, but it’s still been a nice weekend with good food, music and movies. I guess you sometimes just need to take a break and take care of yourself.
I must say that the show Bridal Plasty is one of the most stupid shows I’ve ever seen. I mean the message they are sending is very wrong. That plastic surgery is the answer for true happiness, beauty and perfection. I found that really sick and I get so annoyed when one of the girls loses and they say “you’ll still have your wedding, but it WON’T be perfect”! Excuse me just because they don’t get their plastic surgeries? WTF is wrong with the world these days? Beauty comes in all different ways and being different is what makes you unique and beautiful !!! So my message to everyone is " Be the best version of you and embrace your beauty".
After a whole day in school with a really confusing and boring class, I can happily say it's finally weekend :D..Im free (at least til Monday)..So today I'm going to celebrate little miss Irma's big day. Yupp Today she turns 22, all grown up or? :P haha...It was so funny in class because she hates when you sing birthday songs for her, so our friends made the whole class stand up and sing for her haha ! Oh well so yes tonight is going to be a good night with B-day celebrations and then the club opening of Farfar !
Happy Birthday Sweetie !
Category: Musik
Category: Musik
Was a long time ago I heard something from Timbaland and even longer from Miss Brandy, so guess what they are both back and have made a song together.
Enjoy !
The last 24h has been crazy. As I earlier mention I drove down to my parents and only spent one night there. Was nice being with crazy big family but was super stressed out with things I had to do, like school and so on. So didn’t really sleep that much that night, and then yesterday I was suppose to have a nice and relaxing travel back, but no. The train was delayed and there were confusions on how to get back to Jönköping, but I finally arrive like 1½ h late, so missed the IA board pre-party but caught up with them and my crazy guy friends at Kåren. I wasn’t in a party mode so just mingled around and went home early, but still have sleeping problems, so another sleepless night. And got woke up by the landlord at 8 because of an inspection they had. Oh well and the rest of the day I have spent fixing things and now finally just going to chill out at home, as tomorrow really is going to be a long day. Have got a stupid seminar about Outcome mapping that my group doesn’t really get haha…
Oh yeah, about the header “ Blackanize” well my best guy friends told me that I now really look like an Asien, but a black one so a blackanize. Haha all of this because of my new hairstyle :P..Do I really look like a Blackanize?
Category: Musik
For a while ago I wrote about Riri's song S&M, and we all know that I am a music video freak, so of course I was overjoyed when her music video finally came out today. Haha it's kind of different but I like it, got a mix of spice girl thing over it and craziness. But I love crazy stuff, so just perfect for me :D
My goal for this week
The drive down went good, and I was welcomed with a full house aka a lot of kids and animals and craziness...haha but that is home. Haven done much since I came, had a dinner, packed up my last box from Korea ( YEEEY more SOJU and BBQ sauce, and cloths ^^) and have also repacked my bags. So now I’m just sitting and trying to get through the stupid outcome mapping project. There is so much to read and understands, so yeah it sucks and its going to be an all nighter. So all I hear is LA LA LA I want to get done with this stupid semester :P..
Just love this song, cuz haven’t we all been there haha remember when I said all these words to a person that just didn’t get it so finally found a song that could spell it out and actually sent this song. And yes I'm a very independent girl that really need MY space, guess everybody just can’t handle that and that is fine as we all are different ;)
I was supposed to leave town really early this morning, but had another sleepless night and a really bad headache this morning. So now I’m finally leaving off to Skåne. It's going to be a loong drive but have some good music with mw so hopefully it will go well.
One of the reasons I miss Korea, because of the memories to this song
The last couple of days and especially today I’ve been in an off mode and of course also had big sleeping problems. I mean I went to bed early yesterday but the last time I checked the time it was 5:30 in the morning, yeeey and had school today. But I managed to go to school, survive the confusing class, take a fika with my crazy best guy friends, then go to BC meeting, and then have a nice chill girl night at Blommans new place and now Im back home. And the only thing I can say is can someone please give me the ON button so that I can come back to life.
Well I really do hope I get some good sleep tonight and wake up without not to many things to worry about as Im going to drive back to Skåne tomorrow, visit my family one day and then go back the day after. Would have wanted some days of home, but have so much to study and other stuff to fix, but hope I’ll be able to relax and get some new energy at the hairdresser on Wednesday
My sweet crazy little daughter Inga is coming to visit me in Sweden in the end of February. Wiihoo she just booked the tickets, so oh oh Jönköping watch out haha :D Going to be awesome !