Today is the day before the big day. And it feels like I've just been checking of things from a list. First at the office where today I had to be the one who double checks everything, but that was a piece of cake and I for even happier when my boss bough us Semlor. Was well needed. After the shift I went to town to check of more things on my list, buy the arlanda express ticket, get Barbies present, buy things she had requested and take out money. Then went home had to clean, do some laundry and pack. So now im FINALLY done and on my way to meet bongie and her man at our old bar. Nice way of ending the last day before the trip :D gaaah im so excited for tomorrow :D
This Sunday I spent with my co workers. We had dinner at the lovely restaurant Boquerian, that serves amazing tapas. We some how managed to stay there for three hours, then went to East for some drinks then to Obaren for more drinks and then back to east. Then we all were hyped up so we didn't want the night to end at three. So we ended up going to Patricia and the party was crazy there..great music and loads of laughs. We finished up the night at Chris place. So I came home around eight this morning haha
Haha well this Saturday was also interesting. I got to sleep in but I was sick the whole day, hade really bad migraine and had to take real strong medicine to manage the night shift. But after some hours I was functioning normal and all in laugh and smiles thanks to the co-workers who brought me crazy jokes, energy drinks and food. :D The shift went real well and smooth, not that much drama compared to yesterday. Oh yeah we got a theory that it went bonkers yesterday as it also was full moon, so no wonder...After the shift Mikis wanted to have a night out, so me and Karro joined her to Spy bar. And damn it was so much people, a lot of strange ones to. But we ladies had a nice time catching up and talking to our spy bar people. So we had one hour of after work then went o my favorite place MAX and then got a cab ride home. So thanks Karro for tonight. Tomorrow we've got a lovely evening planned with dinner and pub-crawl with the guys. I imagine it’s going to be an interesting but well needed night.
Oh yeah tonights song is the Lion Kings Hakuna Matata
Like DAAAAMMMMN im kind of speechless and surprised that I survived this day. First of all I.had huge sleeping problems so only slept one hour last night. Then worked at the office with huge and complicated deadlines. Was so damn cranky, woke up in a bad mood. But managed to get through work and had a lovely lunch with the ladies at Primo. Then after that shift I still was pissed of at everything so I hit the gym to get it out of my system..Helped for like one hour as people were annoying. then it was time for the night shift. So decided to take a long walk to work and get some more steam of with happy music. haha and it calmed me down a bit but had to drink a lot of energy drinks to be alive. Then we all went crazy as usual. But the people we met tonight were amazing in a bad way. Freaking crazy people, alcohol,.fights, drugs, undercover police, girl fights, money fights haha yeah you name it. So I do wonder if there has been anything in the air tonight cuz this was bonkers.anyways to some fun.things. I.booked my flights tonight. So France next week for a winter vacation with Barbie. Haha going to be interesting as I hate winter and never been on a ski trip but you have to try everything and going to be fun getting away for a bit and recharging my batteries.. to some less fun stuff. It seems like I can't say this to much. People are really stupid. So I'll make it clear for you. Stop being stupid and bitchy and insecure and start drama you can't finish. Its so unattractive and childish attacking others and ganging up on one person, especially when you don't have all the facts. So if you can't act as big as your MOUTH..please for your own sake just sit down and shut it before you really get hurt. Cuz it seems like people don't know what kind of people they start things with. So trying to start things with me or about me doesn't face me. I got better things to do..BUT to attack my dear ones is just suicide! Karma won't even save you from my anger. So if you wish to not meet hell please use the few brain cells you have left real wise. and I say this with love and a smile :D love Kimchi
Tudeluu only one day left then its the weekend. well I'll be working so doesn't effect me much. But today im happy even though im still hangover from yesterday. Cuz tonight my salary is coming and I can book my trip to France to see my favorite barbie :D. Got a nice call.from her today so that also made my day..well anyways yesterday me and karro was just supposed to take one beer after work. but our beloved bartenders had other plans. so ended up being a hilarious strange night with alot of laughs. If you wonder what happened I can only say that there was a stripper pole, a tiny man dancing crazy and or partyholic friends with friendly horse..haha..yeah gotta love those moments :P
Here is a sweet honest lovely song by Elijah about old love.
Fav lines:
Still I think about, what we could be right now We could right our wrongs, whoa You found somebody else, but he can’t tie you down And my new chick can’t compete Since we said goodbye, you’ve been on my mind
Have so many old.memories going through my head tonight. Its.probably because I found some old pics of me and friends. And also because I spent the evening with an old friend, I haven't spent time with since I was 10years ago.crazy how time passes by. But somehow the past always meets up.with the present..Today it was in a good way. We had a lovely chill evening and finally got to catch up. So who knows maybe I'll take the offer and come to Thailand for a vacation this year. :).. Anyways I've got a long day tomorrow with work so time for bed. Nighty
New day, new week...this Monday has been upside down..didn't fall asleep until around lunch and a short while after that my phone was on the roll, getting calls all the time. So I gave up sleep, went through all.calls, got more meetings now, then went of to town and did some grocery shopping and sorry I couldn't help it. I also bought a pair of lovely red boots I've wanted for ages for 150 sek haha I think I've earned them (and a jacket and some other things haha) :P anyways after that I hit the gym witch was stupid as I did to much considering Im sick and haven't slept. So yeah tonight is an early date night with my pillow. Nighty head line also works when it comes to shoes, cloths, bags etc ;)
I also listen to a lot of african music, and I just loooooove african new style songs like this one. You just cant help but get up and dance with a big smile :D
There have also been a dance competition for this song, and here are the winner, love them :D
Ofen when I relax or force myself to focuse on something else that doesnt stress me out.
I often end up watching my series. You can easily say that Im a show junkie, I follow so many shows and get hooked so easily haha, here are some of the shows I follow at the moment.
there are more shows like, Teen Mom, Jersey Show, Top Model, The lying games, Game of thrones, Spartacus, 666, etc
Joe Budden is back in the game again. Not olny the music game but on tv too, as he is on the third season of Love and Hiphop. Well anyways here is the remix of the hit song She dont put it down like you ft Fabolous, Twista & Tank.
Oh gosh, It's amazing how I just keep on loving Beyonce and Rihanna more for every day. In some ways the are similare but at the same time so different. Beyoncé has always been the leading lady, the queen B. But she has been in the game for so long and made such a name for her. Rihanna has also made an incredible name for her at a so young age, but she is more relatable to me. Dont know how to explain it, but Rihanna is living her life, being young, making mistakes etc growing up. She shows she is just like any other young adult. Beyoncé is the woman you want to become in a couple of years. Both females are crazy beautiful and anyways normal looking for me. Love their independenst and smartness and beauty. Here are some pics from theire latest magasinze covers :D GQ and Complex magazine
As I expected yesterday, today Im sick and can't do much without feeling worse. So I've spent most day in bed..well okay slept til four did some laundry then passed out again and now Im back in bed with some food and series..I really don't like to slow down and be sick. this always means I got to much time to think about things i really don't want to think about. especially things I can't do anything about.. So I can't wait for the new week to begin. Anyways I am a super big collector of quotes and sayings. So here are some random ones. :)
God damn it, its way to cold in town now. Had to be all.knitted up for work tonight. About that the night was interesting events with happy joyful guest to super wasted ones who locked themselves in the bathroom and couldn't figure out how to come out again. Was also some who stripteased and the standard couldn't find the exit. haha gotta love my workplace, we workers were as usual on the go crazy mode. Having a lot of jokes and just making the best of life chearing one another up. well we were all dead after the shift so have now taken a bath and a glass of wine to my chill play list. so time for bed now.
Wow so its already Saturday. I've been so busy with work the past days. so haven't had time to blog or do anything..well anyways had a lovely night at spy bar last Thursday. I ended up being there til closing even though that ment 2h of sleep before work. But it was such a fun night with throwback 90's music and Mido turned 26 so had to celebrate him too. The best thing with the whole night was that Barbie called me from France and I haven't heard her voice in ages so can't wait til next month when I see her now on to yday. Was a dubble shift day, first at the office and then the bar. Had loads to do but it passes by fast when you have great co workers. And Karro is finally back after being sick for one week :D..well now its time to run of to the last shift for this week. Have a great night.
Today has been another slow day. Have been of my game and feeling sick all day. but I got myself to gym and got rid of some frustration and now i just finished the night shift. so of to spybar to support elin who is playing. so a drink then straight home as its the dubble shift tomorrow.
Today has all been about work. Been in contact with my old uni so Im finally regristerd for the last classes. Then been at the new gym, did some leg and cardio training and after picking up some packages Im now at work. Its the short night shift...people who meet me usually after a while call me.crazy or goofy in a good way. You could say I love to laugh have fun and play and sometimes like to day Im as we swedes say a "busig tös"..guess I've got a lot of energy today. But I would also like to say that my friends around me are unique. cuz the are also hilarious and crazy. without saying any names. who has got a friend who gets a concussion by dancing to gangnam style and ending up flying through a window ?? hahaha...that's amazing :P
Oh today I've been so tired, but managed to get some things done. Had a lovely lunch with beautiful Irini with a stunning meal. Gotta love inspirational people like her. So now I've got more planning to do. So just have to get my head straight and going to be easier now that I've got my new glasses and can see better hahaha.anyways can't wait til tomorrow when Im going to become a red head:D
The last couple of days have been crazy and I haven't had time to blog. The days has been booked with meetings, work at the bar and an after work with Karro on wensday. So yeah don't have much to tell except that even though I've been exhausted the days have given me a lot of laughs. especially last night at work when me and the co workers acted crazy and had hilarious conversations about cars autobans bananas really don't want to know what it all really was about. Another big thing that happend this past days Is that my daughter Inga had her Bday <3...well now time for a pizza and movie night Django here we go..
Tudeluu, last night was lovely. Sharis and her kind man invited me over for dinner and dinks. The home made meal was great and so was the desert. The are easily one of the cutest and perfect couples I know. Opposites do attract and as I told them yday I can now be their adopted kid that they can take care of. I mean shara is anyways my second mom :P...On to today then..I haven't done that much..had a great work meeting so starting new event project and then been training and at the library. And now Im at work, but its a slow night so me and Karro are waiting to close and go to East :D
As I have the day of today, I planed to sleep in today. But that didn’t work as my neighbors decided to start renovating their home at 7:30 this morning till now. This drilling has been killing me all day, its still ringing in my ears. So in other words I haven’t done much today, despite been in several phone meetings, finally bough my new gym card, ordered contact lenses and made up my mind about taking the offer or not. Decided to not take it, sometimes you have to say no to good opportunities to lay a solid base in your life. :)
Oh yeah, can't forget to remind you all to vote for the Kingsize Gala 2013, hope you'll vote for the best Dj who is DJ Black Moose. :D
Oh damn I still think Luda has got the sexiest voice ever, he can say anything and it sounds hot! haha I know Barbie agrees with me on this :P, to make it even worse, this man has now made a remix of Kelly Rowlands smash hit Representing. Here is the male version ft R.kelly and Fabolous.
Fave lines:
I made love to the original, but See I just wanna fuck to the remix
I love my british boys and I've been so in love with Parkers music for a while now. Parker is Nicki Minaj new artist that's also been on her latest album. So a real talent.
Here is his hit song So beautiful!
Fav lines:
Gonna love you right, i've been thinking, i've been waiting Need you real bad, throw it on me I can take it When I beez in the trap you’re the one im missing
I’ma give you what I’ll give no other Cause this ain't love if we can’t love for life
So a new week has begun and this.Monday I've been busy..went to the meeting that went very well, I just don't know If I should take the offer or not. Got some other things on the table to..after the meeting I had several phone meetings and also had to talk to the hospital a couple of times as I have to check my arm out..At the same time as I was doing this i ran around town, picked out new glasses, tried new contacts, visited the fire department and did some shopping. So now.Im finally home and its time for dinner and new episodes of Revenge and the mentalist :D
Hell yeah, the first week of this year has been simply amazing. Have had so much joy and hard work, just the way I love it. I ended the week and started the weekend with going to the Trey Songz concert with wifey and then balling hard out in town. At the concert we had a great view in the vip section with like 6 other people. We enjoyed it as we had the big crowds with crazy people. I couldn't have asked for a better night out and I sure have got the best wife in the world! On Saturday we were dead all day and when through evening came it was time for me to work. Was nice seeing my hilarious coworkers even though Id rather had the night out. Had a lot of laughs and my sweet boss gave me a late Christmas present. Belgium chocolate :D the best haha.. Today has only been a recharge day as I've got a long week starting of.with tomorrows meeting that Im super nervous for..Hope you've had a nice weekend..Time for some movie now ;) ps..haha oh yeah, the past week several random people has called miss nicki or mini nicki..apparently they say I look like Nicki minaj haha..and with this pic I can for one sec understand fun being a cameleon
Yeey last day at the office for this week and tonight Im going to have a blast out for a special event :D...but right now Im going through old memories after finding an adorable picture of Dumbo and see it reminds me of my family and childhood as I used to be called Dumbo...not for having big ears but for always hearing everything and wanting to know everything :P
Work went good today and I think I've figured out what Im going to write about in my thesis :D, so now I just want to get it done...anyways after work I went through some electronic shops in town looking for things I need at home. When I got home I was in the mood for a Kimchi date nigh..this means a night when I cook a lovely home made dinner and bake while I play my favorite songs loud. mean while I wait for the food. Its time for candles all over the apartment, hot bath, wine, facial and nail fixing. And after that I finish up in the kitchen, set my table and put on my movies and its cuddle time. Best relax and re charge tip from me. You have to remember to take care of yourself too !! <3
Happy new years people. We survived 2012 ! :P..can't believe how fast the last days has gone. And I yday I couldn't believe that I hadn't been at home for almost a week, when I just was going to take a fika with a friend hahaha. Anyways New years eve was turnt up. My wifey and her man had a beautiful and hilarious party. The jelly shots, chocolate fountain, gummie bears, smörgåstårtor etc were so good. People went crazy in the kitchen. But it was so nice being surrounded by close friends and happy new people at a nice house. About that, I so fell in love with my friends house, so stunning and modern.Just a pity that its so far away..Anyways it turned out to be a long night with a morning visit donalds, was the funniest visit. As my wifey was so pissed that it only was breakfast, no burgers and then she almost killed the girl who worked as she was stupid..wifey asked what's in the sausages? the worker answers sausages! hahaha omg was so funny to watch...well well. the following day I ended up staying at the house having a chill day with the gang watching crazy shows and movies. So I only came back to town yday morning, for the first work day this year. And now im also working until Sunday. But I can't wait til Monday when I've got an interesting meeting :D. two favorite ladies in sthlm were so beautiful in their blue dresses. show stoppers <3