Category: Daily Life

Category: Daily Life
Category: Just saying
Category: Daily Life
Category: Musik
This song is real good because of Nicki that kills it and also Lil Wayne. I wouldn’t mind if Birdman just would be quite and just show up in the video, like he usually does. Haha I really don’t like him and it gets on my nerve that Lil Wayne can’t do a video without him in it. I mean come on daddy can sit on the bench he doesnt have to be in EVERY video haha...well well Nicki is awesome in this video and she is kind of cute as the female wezzy :P
Birdman ft Nicki Minaj & Lil Wayne - Y.U MAD
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
Yesterday afternoon and night was really nice. After the internship I met up Erika, we went to Tele2 and both got new phones Samsung Galaxy S II. So far im in love with the phone and it’s nice to have a working phone ( so sorry I have abandoned the Iphone for now) . If you have Tele2 and want to buy a new phone or get help with something, go to the shop at Kungsgatan and ask for John-John…he is the nicest guy ever so I recommend him :D..
Well anyways after the visit at Tele2, we went and met up Miss K and ate at the Tex Mex place called Macho. I liked the food a lot even though I didn’t get the concept of the restaurant, like the furnishing was industrial but the food was Mexican so I didn’t get it. But they had funny text all over the place that I gladly read out loud for Miss K and Erika but they didn’t enjoy it as much as me :P…haha so as you get I was super happy to meet and chat with Miss K and Im holding my thumbs that she’ll get the job here, cuz then she’ll be close to me AGAIN :D wiihoo.
After the dinner with Miss K, we went to the studio and hanged out with the hilarious guys and ate snacks. Was cozy being there, listening to the guys and laughing at them and also listening to their music.
So to sum up yesterday, I would say it was a reaaaall good day
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Wiihoo this day just gets better and better. I got a job interview offer to be a manager for a hotel (will have it later this week) and then my miss K got in touch with me. And she is coming to town so going to meet her after work. Haha its crazy but it was about one year ago I last saw her in KOREA. We haven’t had the chance to meet before even if we both live in Sweden haha :P
Well here are some pics of us together from the past 3 years..
Category: Daily Life
It's Monday and therefore a new week. Usually I hate Mondays but today I woke up well rested with a big smile and even woke up before my alarm clock (doesn’t happen that often) :D..It got even better when I got outside into the beautiful fresh weather. Its cold but the sun is shining and the sky is super blue. So I’m not complaining. Well anyways now I’m at the office and working with our big assignment. My goal is to finish it today and to get a great start with it I'm listening to some energetic music. One of them is this great song with a cool video
" We stay up all night" by Buraka Som Sistema
Category: Party by Kimchi
Skoskav was great yesterday. I got to see how the club works and meet future colleges’ and other awesome people. The DJ’s played incredible music from dubstep to hip hop and dancehall. The artists were also good and yeah it was just a great time, so it’s going to be fun continuing working with Skoskav and the girls.
After Skoskav closed I went to Berns to meet up Emelie and Bongie at the VIP area. It was nice to see the girls and seeing them having fun. Unfortunately I didn’t stay that long as the music there sucked and was some people who got om my nerves. Therefore I went to Lobby and met up Erika. It was much better music there and we had a blast with the guys. It so funny how me and Erika always seem to make the night smashing and fun. So anyways as you probably already figured out it became another late night, think I came home at 7 in the morning :P Well so today I got some good sleep and have just been home all day. Cleaning the house, doing the laundry and other stuff I haven’t had time or energy to do haha, and now im going to see some of my series.
Pics from SKOSKAV
Outside KGB where Skoskav was
The soulsinger Malena Uamba
Rapper Pengar Per doing his thing. This guy has got an amazing energy.
Sonic 87 played dubstep, hiphop and grime. (was AWESOME)
The DJ Håll käfften och dansa
People were hyped and even danced on the chairs haha
NileNets, Sonic 87, Black Barbie and me
The girls behind Skoskav and me
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Category: Party by Kimchi
Category: Musik
(thank God that the song is much better than the MV, cuz it has to be the worst one he has done)
Category: Daily Life
Category: Party by Kimchi
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
Today we are having a “business planning meeting” and then Christmas dinner and boule at my internship. This is going to be fun.
Category: Daily Life
Yesterday after work I met up with Erika to pick up some stuff at my place and then go to her place and cook some dinner (tacos) and get ready for another night out with some new friends. We went to Johnnys that was okay, then the plan was to go to Göta Källaren but the entrance fee was crazy 350kr, I mean for that price you can go to a concert and see J Cole. So yeah we went to Stureplan and ended up at Laroy were I had fun. I got to listen to house music and hits, and that was a looooong time ago I’ve been able to a club that plays that. So we kind of went crazy there until it closed. And I just loved the DJ Alex Rosta who mixed it up and later on played music just for us :D..Anyways the night ended a bit stupid with some arguments, so me and Erika went home but still didn’t let the event affect us and instead had a nice conversation with Mr M and later on had a good talk just us. So for me it ended up being a real good night, in other words thanks for all Erika <3
And so to talk about today I must say it’s a real a beautiful day, even if I’m tired I got an energy boost from the nice weather. Would so love to be outside right now. But now I’m at the office working with First Lane…
Swedish House Maffia - Antidote
Category: Just saying
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Category: Party by Kimchi
The past weekend has been a real party weekend. It started on Thursday when me and Erika went to Slakthuset. We had a blast, was great music and I was laughing so much at some friends that was beyond wasted. So that was a good night expect the ride home, (almost started thinking of starting to go to church if I ever got home safe) haha...On Friday it wasn’t a super planned night out, the plans changed a lot so wasn’t that hyped but my partner in crime brought out the party nerve in me so we went out. Went to Nivå and met my favorite ppl, and some new peeps. We later on went to Ego that played a nice mix of music (im getting tired of too much African music, so was nice to get a mix), this night we took it easy but stil had a nice time and got some new friends. On Saturday me and the girls had during the day not planned to really go out, but after visiting Bongie at Juliennes place, the plans got changed really fast. So we had a good time getting ready together and getting hyped, so later on we ended up at Ego. At first it wasnt so good, and there was ppl that were getting on my nerves but thankfully there was some super funny people I could laugh my ass with (okay maybe more at :P) but anyways half the girl left early for different reasons and poor Bongie lost her Iphone. So yeah it ended up being only me and my partner in crime left at the club. And strangle enough the club got smashing, more ppl came and the music got better and we really had a blast. The night ended with an after party in Tyresö with the nicest ppl ever and we had a nice chill Sunday with them. So yeah that was in short the party weekend. :P
Category: Daily Life
The Wiz Khalifa concert at Münchenbryggeriet yesterday was good. Young Khalifa had a great performance, was wasted and high and just did his thing his own way. It was nice that he had a long cool speech for his fans too. His DJ was also really good, he could mix up things. The rest of the gang was okay, not really my thing but had some cool verses. The only thing that was bad with the concert was that it took a long while till Khalifa came out and than the crowed was CRAZY. Especially the guys, like I couldn’t believe my eyes, was like almost 3 fights, people were smoking in the crowed, grabbing on girls and pushing people like crazy. So I couldn’t stand it out and left the crowed when it was like 30min left (even though we were almost in the front) but wasn’t worth all the drama in there. And we still got to see the whole concert real good when we stood by the side.
Category: Musik
Category: Daily Life
There is a new blog that I would like to recommend, it's Karl Champs website ( he doesn’t really like the blog stamp, so website would be more correct) :P..Well there you can read about what's on his crazy mind, listen to his mixtapes and also fallow the life behind the clubs in Sthlm and of course the life at the studio.
Here is his latest mixtrack with some songs that I have had in my head (the first 2)
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Yeah I know I’ve been super bad with the updates, but I’ve also been super busy and haven’t had so much access to the internet. But today I’ve got some time, as im at the office. So now just working a lot with the website and Anna Lindh seminar. But cant wait til I finish work as then im going to meet up Erika and get ready for WIZ KHALIFA tonight. Wiiihoo it’s going to be a blast and probably another late nigh out with the gang. So anyways now I’m only listening to Wiz Khalifas songs and getting hyped and on the level.
Ps. Thanks Boland for the tickets, the nicest guy ever <3
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
Today my day at the internship went by super fast. Had a lot to do, I for example helped Temara with organizing the Anna lindh seminar, that is in a week. Well had so much to do
So that I worked over and almost forgot to meet up Boland. Luckily he called me, so we had a nice fika that gave me a chance to catch my breath. Then when I came home I had to work some more and also apply for jobs. Only today I have applied for like 200jobs hahaha I've set my mind on getting money and living normal :P well
Anyways it's time for bed as tomorrow will be an even longer day :).
(the pics shows social Boland and my lovely raspberry cheesecake and hot
Category: Daily Life
Gosh, it was damn hard getting out of bed this morning. I over slept and then it was freezing thing morning so just wanted to stay in. But luckily the sun was shining so got some energy to get my self out of my bed. But then I got a chock when I came out, damn it’s really cold now. The real winter weather with snow is not far away now and that sucks :(...well anyway got a pleasant surprise at the bus stop, got to meet an old friend Francis who apparently is my neighbor but we have managed to pass each other for months. So had some nice company to work and now my head is struggling to get started as the office is kind of dead, with a lot of people out traveling (evaluating projects around the world) and the rest are sick. so we are like one third at work. Well well guess I'll have to get started with some work now :)
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Just saying
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Today I'm also working at the human rights days. There is not that much to do today, but there is still a lot of interesting people here and important lectures. Well I think it's going to be a good day as I'm working with Therese and the weather is great and I'm in a good mood. So therefore I also wish you a good day and if it started out bad here is some tips on how to change it.
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Just saying
When you move a lot like I do and meet a lot of new people like I do. You learn to think about the importance of having real and good people around you. You really think about having true friends and investing in them as when you are young, you create your own little family outside your real family. The sad thing is then you move you always get to see who really was your real friends, who really still care about you and invest time in you even though you don’t see each other as often as before.
My 3 years in Jönköping was the best ones ever and I got to meet a lot of wonderful people. And there was especially one group of friends I saw as the closest ever and that I though I would be close to for a lot of coming years. So even though I was sad so move away from them I never though that our relationship would change so much. But disappointing enough, I was wrong. There was a lot of friends, that I still from time to time talk to that are just distant friends and not close friends anymore. That kind of hurt me a lot, but that appends to everybody. So now I just have to remember the good times.
me and france
But this is not only a sad post, new strong friendships also gets created by moving or by having a distance. For those relationships that don’t change or even get stronger, those are the people you should hang on to. For example I am glad to still have the same crazy relationship with France and Ibbe. Despite the distance and our busy schedules, its like nothing has changed when we talk. And another relationship that keep on getting stronger is with philly. We hadn’t been able to talk for weeks but catch up without any problem and have a mutual respect for each other that is sometimes surprising for both of us. Has almost gone one year since we last saw another but still act like it was yesterday haha. And another person that is not surprising that im super close to is my crazy daughter Inga, my reason for laughing so much. I don’t think I will get rid of this crazy person until we are old ladies <3
ibbe and me
philly and me
So lastly when life changes and you for example move, you also get new relationships and also get a chance to build up old ones. Of course I’ve got even closer to my blondie Bongie, no surprise there but the one relationship that really surprised me is the one I have with Erika. I never thought that we would get along so well and hang out so much as we do, never thought that I would find my true partner in crime and get so close to her. She’s a girl with a lot of surprises and Im glad that she cares so much for me and living here would be less fun without her ;)..
me and bongie
me and erika
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
I just came back home from Uppsala and outside my door Ulla had put a package for me. I wasn’t expecting anything so was surprised but when I read what it said on the package I started laughing as it said to lilla Myggan (means the little mosquito), then I knew that it was from my crazy aunt as that's her nickname for me. But anyways I got super happy when I opened the package as it was filled with chocolate and a cute post card. Hahah she really knows how to make my day, and I love her for that. It means a lot <3
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
Category: Daily Life
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Daily Life
Oh gosh, I've so wanted another tattoo since the last one I did and I didn’t think it will go this long without doing another one. It makes me sad that it's gone one year since the last one and it's less than 2 months until this year is over. And that means that one of my goals wont be achieved. I had a goal of doing 2 more tattoos by the end of this year, especially one of them in honor of my birth mom...I know I've been saying this a lot lately but Im kind of freaking out how this year has passed by so fast, how I haven’t done half the things I've planned, haven’t been able to achieve a third of what I wanted and managed to have a blurry vision of my future and im turning 23 in less than a month! Me don’t like at all, it just ain’t me...but I guess its life right?...anyways here are some inspiring tattoos :)
Category: Just saying
Category: Daily Life
Tick tock tick tock its already Thursday night…This whole day has acctually felt like a long night, its been so cold and dark. Dont like this depressing weather, but hey what can you do? anyways I still look like a little hamster so had to stay home today, and lucky me Cornelia was also home. So we got to be lazy and creavy for sweets together. In other words we have been in the sofa watching TV and been eating all kind of stuff. I tried a new Ben and Jerry and ate one of my favorite chocolate Nobless ”yummy”. But now it’s time for me to get ready for tomorrow, back my bag for a weekend in Uppsala, its Palmedagen and then going to spend some time with my favorite crazy boys that I haven’t seen for ages. So planning on an early nigh and hoping to be on top tomorrow.
Category: Just saying
Category: Just saying
Category: Style by Kimchi
Category: Daily Life
Oh I don’t know how almost 2 weeks could pass before I got the time to blog again, but guess I've been to busy. So to sum up the past time, I've been working a lot, started at one life productions too and I love it there ( will come back to this), I've been busy with a move that I now have to wait with, I've also been sick (still am and look like a tiny hamster in the face as its swollen up haha, health is really my best friend :P) and finally I've spent time with some friends and also been out a bit.
So to not make this a super long post, I will only tell you about the best day of the past weeks. And this was last Friday. When I got to work at the studio with Kalle (my boss) and I actually got to learn a lot about the work in the studio and also co-produce my first song :D yeeey! This was an order for a Japanese band. so super fun and hope they liked it. Anyways after producing the song, I got to meet some other one life members and then help Irini with some things for the night club we were going to have that night. After all work I had to rush home, change and meet up my girl Erika as it was party time. Haha it's so funny that we get missed at out favorite bar when we arent there and always gets treated so well, just love them anyways had a nice time at the bars and then we finally came to the club, that was pumping. And we had a blast there, I mean what can go wrong with great music and great people?..when the club closed, we went to eat and there Lars came and picked us up in his Pink Limo, so we had an after party with funny ppl there and with that, that was the longest and best day of the weeks :P
Party in the limo
Category: Rnb/Stream Music
Category: Series/Movies
Category: K-pop Music
Category: Musik